Most Intelligent Avengers in Marvel Cinematic Universe: Ranked Worst to Best

lily johnsol
4 min readDec 10, 2019


MCU Avengers are the most powerful beings on the earth; however, that doesn’t mean they all possess smartness and intelligence. In this article, we are going to rank the Avengers according to their intelligence level shown in the Marvel movies. We are not including any other of their abilities, and this list is only ranked on the pure intelligence basis. No matter how much stronger you are or how much force you can exert if you don’t possess sufficient intelligent, then you might lose somehow even from an opponent who is far weaker than you in physicals. Let’s consider top avengers gifted in mental strength.

10. Thor

There is no doubt that he is one of the strongest avenger and superhero in the marvel universe, but despite his physical strength and abilities, he has done things that shows how childish he actually is. Whenever he needs to fight, the only thing that comes to his mind is “let’s beat him down to look like a mashed potato.” He doesn’t think of the consequences before performing anything, especially during a battle. Moreover, you can always watch him relying only on his powers and mighty weapons, and that is the only reason he had lost many fights. In the Thor Ragnarok movie, when he first met Hela, he was overconfident because of his superior weapon Mjolnir, but Hela overpowered him. He always assumes that he can handle a situation by himself alone and also pretends that he is always stronger than his enemies. Remember the moment when he fought with Kurse, Thor lowballed him and went for straight hand-to-hand. We all know how Thor was beaten by Kurse in that scene. If he showed some intellect, then he could have won the battle with Kurse and Hela with ranged attacks.

9. Ant-Man

He is also one of those people who doesn’t create a well-planned strategy. He can also be considered in those guys who act before thinking of the result. He is still learning his powers and abilities, and he has lived a major part of his life in cells. He has done things in the movies that show him to be very childish and innocent.

8. Scarlet Witch

She possesses superpowers that put her in the list of strongest avengers. Her intelligence is hard to determine, especially the movie version pretends to be on a very ordinary level of intellect. Moreover, she has done nothing in the movies that make her a smart girl.

7. Hawkeye

In the MCU, he has very least screen time and hasn’t done anything that shows his intellect and strategy. However, he has shown smartness and intelligence on some occasions, such as when he uses his weapons, he has shown intelligence better than a normal soldier.

6. Captain America

He hasn’t adapted to the advanced world technology and equipment, instead, he still relies on his traditional technology. Remember the moment when Iron Man told him to identify and analyze the occurring issue in the Helicarrier made by S.H.I.E.L.D. However, Cap is far much superior in the battle intellect, and he knows how to prepare strategies for wars. He has shown some wonderful use of his environment. He has demonstrated amazing leading skills, and he always thinks for the good even if the whole world is against him.

5. Spider-Man

There is no doubt that he is a techy guy and knows pretty much everything about the technical stuff. He has invented a web shooter with his own technology and intelligence, keeping in mind that developing a web shooter isn’t an easy job. Due to biologically enhancement, his thinking and intelligence have also enhanced. Even in his school, he is mostly regarded as one of the smartest kids.

4. Black Widow

She is one of the best spies in the whole Marvel universe. She is very similar to Captain America when it comes to a battle as she can outsmart many smart guys, even Loki. We will see her intelligence even on a higher level in her upcoming solo movie.

3. Vision

Vision is extraordinarily smart droid and is made by Marvel’s most intelligent personalities. According to the MCU, he possesses the smartness of Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, and JARVIS, which makes him almost unbeatable in intelligence.

2. Hulk Aka Bruce Banner

Bruce Banner is one of the smartest guys in the Marvel comics, and in the MCU, he is portrayed as 2nd smartest person in the universe. He has done seven Ph.D.s, which is really smartness as being a mere human being. He didn’t help Tony Stark in creating Vision, but Tony helped him to create Vision.

1. Tony Stark aka Iron Man

It has to be Tony Stark! He is the most intelligent personality in the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe. He is gifted with ultimate and extraordinary intelligent enough to build a mini ark reactor in a cave with some scraps. He also made a working armor in the same cave while he was sick and captured by terrorists. Tony managed to escape from the whole army of terrorists. Later, when he returned back to his home, he created an advanced and compact Iron Man suit capable of flying on hypersonic speeds. Moreover, he outsmarted Thanos in the Avengers Endgame.

Mia Davis is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet, utility software and new media. She writes for Microsoft products at




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