How to Troubleshoot Beserver.exe Crashing on KERNELBASE.DLL?
If your PC is not performing its tasks well or often crashes, then you must be wondering what’s the cause behind it. You can try to locate the problem, start checking all the apps and programs running on your PC. However, the issue may be lurking in the taskbar menu under the name of beserver.exe.
You must wonder what is it doing on my computer, and you will surely think of uninstalling it. Before doing that here in this blog, we will tell you everything about Beserver.exe, what it’s doing in your computer, how it works, what are its components, uses and how to fix its crashing error on kernelbase.dll. Read below:
About Beserver.exe
Beserver.exe is a prominent part of VERITAS Backup Exec, though it is the one that secures all your backup and keeps it up to date. You don’t have to worry as its tasks are very safe and it won’t cause any harm to your Window. It is an easily accessible file that comprises machine code. When you run the Backup Exec 7.x/8.x on your PC, the command on this file will automatically be carried out on your Windows PC. It is also the reason behind the storing of files in the RAM. Although, the processes of Beserver.exe are not in a direct linkup with the system but still there are some flaws of Beserver.exe that need to be fixed as it is the one that contains all our data registry. The process of Beserver.exe is very beneficial, so it is a mandatory need to prevent it from error.
Causes for Crashing
Although there are several causes behind its crashing, these all are often indulged in cashing it. The main reason why its crash on kernelbase.dll includes the outdated version of Backup Exec 7.x/8.x, be the corrupt file of your Backup Exec 7.x/8.x Server and the anti-virus that is not compatible with the Beserver.exe. Try these fixes below to secure your beserver.exe from errors. Here is how:
1. Disable Anti-Virus
As discussed above the antivirus can also be the cause for your Backup Exec 7.x/8.x crashing, so you should try disabling the antivirus from your PC for some time. If after doing this the issue resolve, then it is recommended that you change your system security program. If the issue persists, then you should read the fix below.
2. Defrag process on Hard Drive
- Tap the Search icon from the taskbar.
- Type “defrag” in the search bar.
- Press the Enter key and open results.
- Choose the option of Defragment and Optimize Drives.
- Now, tap the hard drive you would like to defragment.
- Select Analyze to proceed further on this process.
- Check the percentage of the fragmented files from the results.
- If the percentage is below 5%, then you need to run the defragmenting process on your hard drive.
- Tap the Optimize tab to start defragmenting.
- Wait as these processes usually take time to complete.
3. Updating the Operating system
The most common fix for every error issue, as it troubleshoots all the bugs, malware that is causing the problem in its version. Make sure that you are using an updated version and if not, then follow the steps below and update your Windows to get rid of this issue.
- Open the Settings app by pressing the Windows key+I.
- Tap on the Update & Security option from the results.
- Choose the Windows Update option, appearing on the left side menu.
- Hover towards the right side and select the Check for Updates tab.
- If the updates are available, then quickly download the updates.
- After the process completes, reboot your PC and start the installation process of updates.
- After the installation process completes, check if the issue still persists or not.
Uninstalling Beserver.exe
The Beserver.exe is a program that helps your PC but it doesn’t mean that it is linked up with your PC or your PC will stop working without it. If you are not a daily user of Beserver.exe, then delete it from your computer system. In order to find appropriate guidance, follow the steps below:
- To open the Run dialog box use Windows key+R from the keyboard.
- After the Run dialog box appears, input this “appwiz.cpl” command into it.
- Tap the Ok tab.
- A list will arise, you can see all the installed programs on your computer in this list.
- Locate the Backup Exec 7.x/8.x Server, uninstall it by doing a right-click on it.
- After it uninstalled officially from your PC, reboot the PC.
Mia Davis is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet, utility software and new media. She writes for Microsoft products at