How to Find Jill’s Letter in Resident Evil 2
Everybody is familiar with the name of Resident Evil as the franchise has several games and movies under its belt. Its gaming franchise is back to the trending aspect after its remake made a whopping comeback after two decades. This rising curiosity in the heart of gamers results in its selling of 5 million copies worldwide.
The game has successfully stood on the satisfaction level of its fans and game critics. Several players have already achieved higher tiers in the game and have obtained several useful items as rewards by completing missions or achievements. One of the latest achievements that are grabbing a lot of attention from gamers is Chasing Jill and Easter egg.
The completion for this achievement can be done by obtaining a letter of Jill Valentine. Those who are not familiar with Jill Valentine, he is one of the protagonists of this story, and its letter is pretty prominent for the players of this game. Somehow, it is a bit hard to locate Jill’s letter, and below we have discussed a few ways and locations that can easily migrate you to Jill’s letter.
Find Jill’s Letter
Players can locate the letter of Jill’s in the story of Leon as finishing the game by Claire's character will not be appropriate in the required section. Players need to earn Parking Garage Key Card for the unlocking of the gate before they further proceed to the Raccoon City.
After this, players need to visit and walk on the right side of the road. Players will encounter Leon and Ada at Gunshop Kendo where Ada unlocks the Gunshop gate. Players require to follow them and proceed to the shelf attached with Shotgun Long Barrel. Players can see Jill’s Letter being placed on another side of the shelf. If you are a PC user that you need to hold your Patience for some time as the letter of Jill’s is now only available for PS4 and Xbox One users.
Players must know that they can’t get back to the previous area after they access in the Final Stage of the story. Thereafter, Leon needs to read the letter before visiting Nest Lab because if he didn’t read, then the game run has to restart or reload. After this, Jill’s letter is for Gunshop owner whose name is Robert Kendo that secret will be unveiled by Leon.
This remake of the game totally depends on the fact of keeping Kendo ‘s character originality alive by keeping it similar to its original appearance. Although, there are more new aspects to come in the third remake of Resident Evil 2 and along with that, there is also a rumour that NPC will be played a more significant role in the forthcoming remake. The suspense of Jill Encountering of Kendo is still yet to be unveiled and several more secrets yet to be revealed.
We hope that this blog has served your purpose successfully and if you would wish to play Resident Evil 2, then you can attain its experience on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
I am Mark Davis a web developer, student, and software engineer currently living in Oklahoma. My interests range from technology to design. I am also interested in music. You can click the button below to read my blog