How to counter Virizion in Pokémon Go

lily johnsol
3 min readDec 24, 2019


Niantic‘s Pokémon Go was one of the most popular games all over the world since its official release back in 2016. Gamers are still playing this game with a similar curiosity that they showed when they encountered this game for the first time. Several new features and Pokémon have been included in the game along with several Pokémon from the Unova region. Terrakion and Cobalion in 5-Star raid battles along with popular Pokémon Virizion will be released on 4 January 2019. The criteria for entering the Raid battles require two players to combine together and challenge the legendary Pokémon.

About Virizion

Pokémon’s initial spawn was in the fifth generation of the franchise, and it is stated as a fact that it is being inspired by the popular character Aramis from Three Musketeers. It is a Grass-type Pokémon and can execute attacks like Leaf Blade and Close Combat. It is one of the powerful Pokémon of the game and thus recognized as legendary.

How to beat Virizion?

Players can easily tackle down Virizion because there are several attacks and Pokémon types who act as the weakness of Virizion. Psychic types Pokémon obtain advantages against Grass-fighting type, so whether it is a Sypher or Virizion, players can simply beat them. The flying attacks also quite efficient against Virizion and players must use Pokémon who possesses a powerful flying attack.

There are several more attacks that can knock down Virizion easily and they are Aerial Ace and Wing Attack, but it is highly recommended to go for either psychic or Pokémon with a powerful flying attack. Pokémon like Moltres, Unfezant, Honchkrow, and Rayquaza are the best Pokémon against Virizion.

As discussed above that there are several more Pokémon that can also eliminate Virizion, but we have mentioned the best Pokémon that can efficiently beat Virizion. Here are some more Pokémon that can deal with Virizion easily and they are Mewtwo and Chandelure. Although, catching these Pokémon in the game is quite hard, so we again suggested going with the above-written alternatives.


There are several more difficult Raid battles than Virizion, so players if you face difficulty in beating Virizion, then another raid battle won’t allow you to stand in a battleground even for a couple of seconds. Players will obtain a lot of new experience and make sure that you choose a goof level player while combining for raid battle.

We hope that this blog will favour you to counter the Virizion in Pokémon Go successfully and if you are new to the world of Pokémon Go, then you can play this graceful game on Android and iOS devices.

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