Destiny 2: How to farm XP in Dawning Event?

lily johnsol
3 min readDec 26, 2019


Destiny 2 have included a Dawning Event to maximize the holiday enjoyment for the gamers. It was included recently and will end in the initial week of January 2020. The main event’s objective is to bake cookies and spread holiday celebration, and it is also beneficial in farming XP to attain Season Pass.

This inclusion also brought back Eva Levante along with a set of daily and weekly bounties. Several of them are totally dependent on the baking mechanic, and each of these Bounties can result in Doubling the XP. Here we have gathered some ways to provide the players XP, so make sure that you read this workaround carefully.

How to Farm XP?

There are several tasks that players need to complete to work these bounties out. These tasks involve specific kills and often pretty basic tasks. It is recommended for the players to complete these tasks with all the characters and equip the Guiding Light along with joining the fireteam. All these above-written suggestions will help you fetch the maximum XP, and once players farm all the available XP, then head towards Eva Levante’s Bounties.

Generally, Eva Levante bounties include cookies baking and delivery, which is not a hard job to do. The only problem that players are facing is ingredients along with the Essence of baking cookies, but there is a special way to accomplish this bounty task quickly. The procedure to obtain ingredients for Cookies is quite simple and easy, and the Essence can be attained by completing several activities.

Players should jump straightly into Crucible’s Team Scorched as it is a simple activity and rewards the player with Essence. It is suggested to complete these activities with either Symmetry or Eriana’s Vow. The player should head to the list section and attain all the available or listed ingredients.

Once, the player attains all the necessary ingredients and Essence, then they can pick as many Bounties from Eva Levante as they want. Baking and delivering cookies and consecutively repeating the process can farm the infinite amount of XP from this bounties task. There is only one flaw in the completion of this task, which is ingredients and the time conceiving delivery.


The double XP bounties are a major factor in reference for the players of the game because it is pretty significant in attaining the player Season rank 100. Apart from Season 100 Rank, it also rewards the players with several cosmetics, ornaments, and consumable items that are very useful in the game.

We hope that this blog has served your purpose fairly, and if you are not familiar with Destiny 2 world and would like to play this game, then you can enjoy on PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One. The Dawning Event will wrap up on January 14, so hurry up and finish it now.

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